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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is your landlord in Foreclosure?know your rights

Landlord's ask for a credit check, criminal back ground check, first month's and last month's rent, security deposit, the list goes on and on and on.

But now it's time for the tenant to fight back!

How likely do you think it is for your landlord to tell you that they are not current on their mortgage or taxes?

Very Unlikely


Because they are afraid that you will stop paying them your rent,
And they are trying to collect as much rent as possible before the bank


Don't find out before it's too late, when the sheriff comes knocking on your door with an eviction notice, and you have to uproot your family, with short notice, with no preparation and no money, because it's all in your slum landlord's pocket.

Contact us today for a comprehensive detailed report on your landlord!

Don't find out before it's too late

Here is a question written from a frustrated tenant in a local newspaper

Question: I rented a single-family home two months ago, only to learn today that the owner is losing it to foreclosure; the sale is scheduled for next month. Obviously, he knew about the default when he rented us the house, but said nothing. Do we have any recourse?

Answer: You're not the only tenant who learned after signing a lease or even moving into a month-tomonth arrangement that the property is about to be lost at foreclosure. That news brings several risks.
First, tenants often experience decreased services, in the way of upkeep and utility payments, as increasingly strapped owners put every penny towards trying to save the property -- or, conversely, realize they're going to lose the property and just stop caring.
Second, after the foreclosure sale, tenants face many uncertainties -- where should the rent be sent? To whom should maintenance requests be made?

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